Give Us Grinches a Break

Give us Grinches a Break

(Please note that the views expressed in this article are not necessarily the views of the author….or are they?) It’s mid-December and I am just about ready to commit Hari Kari! I’m thinking back to September. Remember the warmer, though, in Wales not necessarily drier, lighter days? The grass cutting still being needed and the […]

The Power of Being in the Now: Staying Present in a Busy World

focus on the present

This is particularly important when I’m under pressure or facing challenging situations Being in the now is something that I’ve been reminded of recently, especially as I was almost wiped out by a transit van on the M56 a few weeks ago.  The incident unnerved me so much I am now taking an Advanced Driving Course. […]

Menopause and Sagging: A Light-Hearted Look at Bodies That Won’t Behave

Mirror selfie

As women get older, we experience some significant changes in our bodies.  Welcome to my lighter blog about women and menopause, where we’ll talk about the bits of body sagging and drooping as we get older that I’m personally noticing. Now don’t get me wrong, there are serious issues around menopause symptoms and affects that […]

Weight A Minute – It’s Time to Face It

healthy food weight

I’ve never had to diet properly before but the menopause has changed all that. Preparing for an event recently I was trying on outfits to see which I wanted to wear. With growing horror, I realised that none of them were fitting properly. Either I couldn’t get the zip to close, or the garment was […]

The Weather Outside Might be Frightful

the weather outside might be frightful map

Where would you fancy going and what would you like to experience? Hands up those who dislike February?  I personally dread it every year.  It’s the one month of winter where we’ve all had enough of dark mornings, early nights, snow, rain, hail and not enough sunshine. Christmas seems a distant memory, March and spring […]

Bringing Back Laughter

Smiley ball

(I am on a mission to re-introduce the laughing habit back into my life) As the curtain rises on another New Year, I think I’m on fairly safe ground when I congratulate you all on successfully drawing up an impressive goals list. I think it’s a pretty safe bet you will have made reference to […]

Handling Stress with a Change of Psyche

THE STRESS of MOVING HOME As I called my local estate agent to put my house on the market, the phrase “the two most stressful things in life are divorce and moving home” kept whirling round my head. The initial meeting turned out to be two hours long. As it was happening I could picture […]